This sitemap provides information about all the pages and posts on Asgard Alaska’s website and the relationships between them.
- A Message from our Jarl
- Aesir, Vanir, and Jötnar of Viking Mythology
- Asum Viking Graves Offer Unique Look at Viking Life
- Bluetooth Takes Name from Viking King
- Boats that Vikings Used: Beyond the Longship
- Charitable Recognition
- Christmas: Converting Vikings to Christianity
- Draugar: Zombies of Norse Mythology
- End of the Vikings: Battle of Stamford Bridge
- Fundraising Update for 2022
- Great Viking Survey Seeks Worldwide Perceptions of Old Norse
- Health Benefits of Spending Time Outdoors
- Hedeby: Scandinavia’s Southernmost Town in the Viking Age
- How Did Vikings Get Their Names?
- How Do We Know? Vikings in Writing
- How Heimdall Created Humans: The Three Social Classes of Viking Society
- How Museums Build Stronger Communities
- How to Understand the Vikings: A World View
- How Would Norwegian Vikings Feel in Alaska?
- Hune Longhouse: A Great Viking Find
- Interview with Museum of the Viking Age
- January’s Mid-Winter Feast Thorrablot: Not for Faint of Heart or Stomach
- JORVIK Viking Centre Unleashes Winter Weather
- L’Anse aux Meadows: Explore Norse History in North America
- Lofotr: A Living Viking Museum
- Loki, Thor’s Hammer, Mjolnir, and other Treasures
- Mimir: Head of Wisdom
- Months of the Norse Calendar
- Moorforge Viking Settlement Improves Economy and Historical Understanding
- Norse Creation Myth: Ymir’s Death
- Norse Myth: Creation of Man and Woman
- Norse Mythology Behind the Northern Lights
- Odin to Santa Claus: What’s the Connection?
- Place Inspirations: Foteviken Museum, Ohio’s Viking Longhall
- Ragnar Lothbrok: Shaggy Breeches
- Raising Money to Buy Land
- Regin, Sigurd and Fafnir the Dragon
- Sutton Hoo and the Excavation that Inspired Netflix’s “The Dig”
- The Dwarf King Hreidmar’s Downfall
- The Founding of Iceland
- The Impact of the Norse on Scottish Culture
- The Norse Creation Myth: Ginnungagap, Ymir and Authumbla
- The Oseberg Ship: Buried, Reconstructed, Preserved
- The Sad History of Tjernagelhaugen (the Sword Nail Cairn)
- The Story of Guedelon Castle
- The Viking Afterlife
- The Viking Drinking Horn
- The Viking Longhouse
- The Viking Longship
- Thor, Odin, and Loki in Norse Mythology
- Trelleborg: Viking & UNESCO World History Site
- Valkyries: Women of War
- Vetrnaetr – Vikings Welcome Winter
- Viking Age Toy Discovery: Pig, Bear, Dog or…
- Viking Attack on Lindisfarne
- Viking Axes
- Viking Cats: Ships, Farms and Myth
- Viking Chess or Hnefatafl
- Viking Cloth Money: How Viking Women Wove Wealth
- Viking Hel and the Afterlife
- Viking Helmets: Did They Have Horns?
- Viking Hospitality and Generosity
- Viking Shields for Offense and Defense
- Viking Traditions in Christmas Present
- Viking Valley and Njardarheimr: Living Museum in Norway
- Viking Women Celebration: Goublot
- Walking the Earth in Search of Home
- What Is a Viking?
- Why Was Birka Abandoned?
- Yggdrasil: The Terrible One’s Steed
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