Month: February 2023

  • aurora borealis

    Norse Mythology Behind the Northern Lights

    Review some of the fascinating Norse mythology behind the Northern Lights, including their association with Valkyries, Bifröst, and the gods.

  • Three Viking longships

    The Viking Longship

    The Viking longship was essential to the success of Vikings as explorers and marauders. These innovative ships were mobile and tough.

  • picture of a Viking shield with a man holding some money

    Fundraising Update for 2022

    Through our fundraising efforts, we raised a total of $11,958 to support our charitable purpose of preserving the rich history of the Vikings.

  • viking longship

    What Is a Viking?

    What is a Viking? Vikings were raiders, pirates, explorers and seafarers. Were they also farmers, villagers, pagans, or something else?


