In many popular depictions, Mimir is portrayed as just a head. According to Norse mythology, Odin sacrifices his eye to Mimir’s Well for wisdom and carries Mimir’s head as a trusted advisor.
Who was Mimir?
Dr. Jackson Crawford suggests that Mimir may have always been just a head. This draws parallels to Celtic mythology, where severed heads impart wisdom. This connection may reflect cross-cultural influences in prehistory or even the origins of the Celtic tradition itself. The name Mimir comes from an atypical Old Norse word for “memory.”
Mimir’s Well
Mimir’s Well holds wisdom, possibly the essence of humanity’s memory and the workings of the cosmos. Mimir drinks from the well for his wisdom using a horn named “Gjallarhorn,” which is the same name as the horn Heimdall will blow on to start Ragnarok. The well is located under a root of Yggdrissil that goes to Jotunheim, the realm of the enemies of the gods – the Jötunn. Crawford suggests that Mimir may be a Jötunn himself as the well’s location suggests and because Mimir’s sons will play after Ragnarok.
In one myth, Odin meets Mimir at Mimir’s Well and asks to drink from the well. Mimir says it will cost Odin an eye. Odin removes his own eye and pays the price to receive wisdom.
Mimir’s Alternate Story
Snorri Sturluson, who often contradicts himself, added an origin story for the reason behind his head-only existence. Crawford says the contradictions may be that Snorri learned more about the traditions of the Old Norse between writings. It may also be that in the modern era we tend to want to categorize things and Mimir may be “uncategorizable.”
In a hostage exchange with the Vanir, the Aesir sent Honir and Mimir, the wisest man, to Vanaheim. Honir became a chieftain, and Mimir advised him. When Honir faced a problem and Mimir was not around, he would say, “Let others decide.” This made the Vanir suspicious, leading them to believe they had been deceived and were sent the wrong men.
The Vanir decapitated Mimir and sent the head to the Aesir. Odin preserved the head with herbs and spoke poems over it. This empowered the head to speak and tell Odin many secrets.